- SIGNITURE LOGO TURTLENECK: 2016 A/W 시즌에 첫 발매된 후부터 지금까지 다양하게 변형, 발전되면서 꾸준한 사랑을 받고 있는 제품입니다. 국내를 넘어 전 세계의 많은 아티스트 분들의 관심을 받으며 월드 와이드로 판매 중인 자랑스러운 돈애스크마이플랜의 상징적 제품입니다.
- 원단: 면 100% 고급 3단 쭈리를 사용해 착용 시 원단이 부드러우면서도 겉은 단단해 오래 입을 수 있습니다. 후가공 원단의 수축을 예방하기 위해 텐타/덤블워싱 처리를 해 쉽게 제품이 줄어들지 않아 오래 입을 수 있습니다.
- 기모 가공: 원단의 후가공인 기모 가공의 횟수를 늘려 기존의 기모 제품보다 더욱 따뜻하고 좋은 제품으로 만들었습니다. 안쪽 기모의 터치감 또한 한 층 더 부드럽습니다.
- 품질: 철저하게 원단에서부터 재단, 봉제까지 관리된 제품입니다. 특히 목라인의 늘어남 방지를 위해 목선에서부터 어깨 끝까지 테이핑 처리와 더불어 목 부분에 두 번의 특수 봉제 처리가 되어있습니다.
라벨: 2017 A/W 시즌부터 제품의 왼쪽 뒷면에 봉제 되기 시작한 'Tail label'은 시즌을 거듭할수록 발전되었습니다. 처음에 Don't Ask My Plan의 상징으로 일반 라벨 소재로 제작되었다가 라벨이 빠르게 상하는 것을 우려하는 고객분들이 늘어 코팅하여 더욱 단단하게 작업을 하였습니다. 하지만 나염이라는 특성상 라벨이 빨면 빨수록 프린팅이 지워지는 것을 안타까워하는 고객분들이 많아져 현재는 직접 싫을 짜서 만들어진 직조라벨로 발전되어 더욱 고급스럽고 지워지지 않는 'Tail Label'이 되었습니다. 'Tail label' 가위 모양을 따라 원하지 않으시면 제거할 수 있으며 제거한 라벨로 책갈피 및 다양한 용도로 사용 가능합니다.
- 세탁: 면 제품의 특성상 열에 약하니 가급적 제품을 뒤집어 찬물에 손세탁을 권장해 드립니다. 세탁기를 사용하셔도 찬물 세탁해 주시고 건조기에 돌리지 않는게 좋습니다.
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reserve guidance
- You will be paid $2 for membership.
- Earnings can be used starting at $4 and up to 10% of the purchase amount. If your purchase amount is more than $6, you can use your Earnings.
- Sale items cannot be used as reserves.
- Earnings will be paid 2% of the purchase amount.
- If you leave a comment on your purchase, we'll give you an additional $0.5 comfort.
- If you leave a photo review, we will give you an additional $1.
Delivery Information
-All shipments are shipped via EMS from Korea, so you can receive them quickly and safely.
Exchange and Return Guidance
- Please fill out the enclosed exchange & return application form with the product and send it with the product.
- If a refund request is made due to a simple change of heart or general customer reason, you must accept direct return processing.
- Delivery costs will be incurred if you request a refund or exchange due to simple change of heart and general customer reasons.
Address: Motiv Effect on the 1st floor of 107-1 Jungang-gil, Jung-gu, Ulsan
In case exchange or return is not possible
1. 7 days after receipt of the goods.
2. Damage caused by customer carelessness or the use of the product;
3. If product tag is removed
4. Where goods have been identified for initial defects, the value of the goods has been significantly reduced by the use of damage or damage to the goods by the customer's negligence;
5. If the goods are damaged by washing or mending.
1) This payment method is provided by Eximbay and is billed as www.eximbay.com.
2) Note: Please note that the billing descriptor will be listed as EXIMBAY.COM.
EMAIL: info@motive-effect.com
reserve guidance
- You will be paid $2 for membership.
- Earnings can be used starting at $4 and up to 10% of the purchase amount. If your purchase amount is more than $6, you can use your Earnings.
- Sale items cannot be used as reserves.
- Earnings will be paid 2% of the purchase amount.
- If you leave a comment on your purchase, we'll give you an additional $0.5 comfort.
- If you leave a photo review, we will give you an additional $1.
Delivery Information
-All shipments are shipped via EMS from Korea, so you can receive them quickly and safely.
Exchange and Return Guidance
- Please fill out the enclosed exchange & return application form with the product and send it with the product.
- If a refund request is made due to a simple change of heart or general customer reason, you must accept direct return processing.
- Delivery costs will be incurred if you request a refund or exchange due to simple change of heart and general customer reasons.
Address: Motiv Effect on the 1st floor of 107-1 Jungang-gil, Jung-gu, Ulsan
In case exchange or return is not possible
1. 7 days after receipt of the goods.
2. Damage caused by customer carelessness or the use of the product;
3. If product tag is removed
4. Where goods have been identified for initial defects, the value of the goods has been significantly reduced by the use of damage or damage to the goods by the customer's negligence;
5. If the goods are damaged by washing or mending.
1) This payment method is provided by Eximbay and is billed as www.eximbay.com.
2) Note: Please note that the billing descriptor will be listed as EXIMBAY.COM.
EMAIL: info@motive-effect.com